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The Right Fit!

I have to admit, I am a bit of a do-it-yourselfer.  However, it seems like each year I discover another thing that is just best left to the professionals. A few years ago, before I met the amazing team of professionals at Window Man Inc, I decided to give exterior door installation a shot.  We had an old door at the back of our house that just did not hold up well through the years.  My wife suggested we hire the professionals but I had determined to do it myself. 

Against my wife's better judgement, we headed down to the local hardware store, picked out a door and made our way back to the house.  After about an hour I had the old door and frame out and was shocked at the amount of damage the water leaking around the old door had caused.  With a large opening in the back of the house, I headed back to the hardware store for more supplies.  I spent the rest of my afternoon fixing the wood and finally had the door in place just in time to keep the mosquitos out. 

Feeling really good about myself, I sat down in our family room and looked over my work with pride.  It really did look great, until the next day.  As I walked up to the door to leave I couldn't help but notice the light coming in from around the door.  It wasn't square!  Light was coming in and air was pouring out through the crack.  Greatly frustrated, I removed the trim and began to fix the door.  After several hours I finally had it right! 

My wife helped me realize very quickly why I will leave exterior door installation to the professionals at Window Man Inc. moving forward.  Once it was finally done, my wife asked me, very politely, how many hours it took to complete the job.  She then asked how much my income averages out per hour.   It didn't take me long to realize what I had really accomplished.  I had a mediocre door (I could have gotten a much better one from the pros), a sub par installation and no warranty.  All at a very high price and the loss of two days of my life. 

This summer we are adding French Doors to the back of our house leading out to our deck.  I am so excited to have the experts at Window Man Inc. complete the installation.  My wife and I selected an amazing door from Window Man Inc. and I am certain the installation team will do an excellent job on the installation.  We are really looking forward to looking at those doors with pride for many years to come knowing we bought a great door from a great company who stands behind their work. 

Jeremy Cowin
Edgewood, IN


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